Adelaide Maghanga, Nasambu Miriam, Brian Ochieng, Assa Okoth, Agumba Ndaloh, Egara Kabaji, Cynthia Ng’eno, Chelangat Naomi, J.V. KimweleExercises kit’s authors
Adelaide Maghanga, Nasambu Miriam, Brian Ochieng, Assa Okoth, Agumba Ndaloh, Egara Kabaji, Cynthia Ng’eno, Chelangat Naomi, J.V. KimwelePublisher
Included in packages

The study kit contains 21 chapters and 179 exercises of which 179 are in the chapters and 0 in the task exercises.
Adelaide Maghanga, Nasambu Miriam, Brian Ochieng, Assa Okoth, Agumba Ndaloh, Egara Kabaji, Cynthia Ng’eno, Chelangat Naomi, J.V. Kimwele -
Exercises kit’s authors
Adelaide Maghanga, Nasambu Miriam, Brian Ochieng, Assa Okoth, Agumba Ndaloh, Egara Kabaji, Cynthia Ng’eno, Chelangat Naomi, J.V. Kimwele -
Social studies -
Grade 8 -
Kit's language
English -
Kenya Literature Bureau -
Included in packages
KLB TopScholar Social Studies Grade 8 Learner’s Book has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum.The course book covers all the strands and sub strands in the Social Studies Curriculum Design for Grade 8. Other unique features include:
• Diverse learning methods such as explanations, story telling, imaginary visits, field studies, question and answer, inquiry, discussion, resource persons, games and simulation, role-plays, debates, demonstrations and project works among others.
• Development of 21st Century Competencies including: Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem-solving, Imagination and Creativity, Citizenship, Learning to Learn, Self-efficacy, and Digital literacy.
• Digital learning is well incorporated across the book.
• Activities for parental engagements cut across the book.
• All activities are geared towards discovery learning. • Diverse and extensive full colour illustrations are generously used to inspire and attract the attention of the learner.
• There is an assessment exercise at the end of every sub-strand.
Alongside the Learner’s Book, is theTeacher’s Guide, which provides guidance on learning and teaching of activities. The book is authored by a team of competent and experienced authors and teachers of Social Studies in Kenya.This Learner’s Book is approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) for use by Grade Eight learners in all public and private Junior Schools.
1. People and Population
Lead |
Chapter |
1.1. |
Scientific Theory about Human Origin
Free chapter! |
1.2. | Early Civilisation |
1.3. | Population Growth in Africa |
2. People and Relationships
Lead |
Chapter |
2.1. | Building Self-esteem |
2.2. | Emotional Care |
2.3. | Resilience |
2.4. | Socio-Cultural Diversity and Inclusion |
2.5. | Building Healthy Relationships |
2.6. | Peaceful Conflict Resolution |
3. Community Service Learning
Lead |
Chapter |
3.1. | Community Service Learning Project |
4. Natural and Historic Built Environments
Lead |
Chapter |
4.1. | Map Reading and Interpretation (1) |
4.2. | Map Reading and Interpretation (2) |
4.3. | Weather and Climate |
4.4. | Vegetation in Africa |
4.5. | Historical Sites and Monuments in Africa |
5. Political Developments and Governance
Lead |
Chapter |
5.1. | The Constitution of Kenya |
5.2. | Human Rights |
5.3. | Citizenship |
5.4. | Essential Skills in Critical Thinking |
5.5. | Development of Creative Thinking |
5.6. | Process of Problem-Solving |