Phyllis Mwangi, Gatitu Kiguru, Charles Maina Gecaga, James Muchiri Mukunga, Henry IndangasiExercises kit’s authors
Phyllis Mwangi, Gatitu Kiguru, Charles Maina Gecaga, James Muchiri Mukunga, Henry IndangasiPublisher
Included in packages

The study kit contains 75 chapters and 202 exercises of which 142 are in the chapters and 60 in the task exercises.
Phyllis Mwangi, Gatitu Kiguru, Charles Maina Gecaga, James Muchiri Mukunga, Henry Indangasi -
Exercises kit’s authors
Phyllis Mwangi, Gatitu Kiguru, Charles Maina Gecaga, James Muchiri Mukunga, Henry Indangasi -
English -
Grade 8 -
Kit's language
English -
Kenya Literature Bureau -
Included in packages
KLB TopScholar English Grade 8 Learner’s Book is based on the English Grade Eight Competency Based Curriculum. The activities are learner-centred and allow the learners to discover and create knowledge through doing rather than memorising facts collaboratively and individually.
Adequate activities are provided for each strand and sub-strand, enabling the learners to practise and master the required language skills, namely, listening and speaking, reading, grammar in use and writing, and to acquire the required competencies.
Useful explanations of concepts are well integrated with the activities in the book, to enable the learners to grasp concepts easily and acquire the target skills without much difficulty.
All the learning activities are formulated in a simple language that is intelligible to Grade Eight Junior School learners. The numerous activities are dexterously designed in a way that integrates all the pertinent and contemporary issues, and values making learning an all-around process.
The book contains activities designed to offer sufficient minimal parent or caregiver engagement ensuring learning takes place outside the classroom at home and within the community.
Full-colour illustrations are provided that not only provoke thought and talk but also enhance the interestingness of the content. Digital media accompaniment is provided to help concretise learning and enable the learners to use multiple senses in the learning process for better learning outcomes. This is one book that learners will find both enjoyable and enriching and which they cannot do without.
1. Human Rights
2. Scientific Innovations
3. Pollution
Lead |
Chapter |
3.1. | Listening and Speaking: Listening Comprehension |
3.2. | Reading I. Intensive Reading |
3.3. | Grammar in Use |
3.4. | Reading II. Intensive Reading: Poetry |
3.5. | Writing. Paragraphing: Sequencing of Ideas |