Chapter 1.1 (Environmental Activities 2)

Responding to various weather conditions

How do you dress when it is cold?
​How do you dress when it is hot?

Activity 1

Look at the pictures.

Cold day
Windy day
Rainy day
Sunny day

Tell your friend how the people in the pictures have responded to different weather conditions.

It is.

Learning point

We dress according to different weather conditions.
​We put on heavy clothes when it is cold and light clothes when it is hot.
​We play in the field on sunny days.
​When it is rainy, we use umbrellas to cover ourselves.

Fun point

Make a kite from a manila paper.
​Go out in the field on a windy day.
​Hold the end of the thread tied to it.
​Allow the kite to fly in the air.

Time to draw

Draw and colour a girl holding an open umbrella in the rain.

Below are the types of clothes people wear in different weather conditions.

Drag the types of clothes people wear in different weather conditions to the right box.

      • gloves
      • short
      • cap
      • jacket
      • vest
      • scarf

      Pair work

      In pairs, tell each other the clothes you wear:

      1. On a rainy day.
      2. On a sunny day.
      3. On a cold day.

      Tell each other why you wear the clothes you mentioned.

      1. We wear a rain coat on.
      2. We wear light clothes on.
      3. We wear sweaters to keep us warm during.
      4. Match the following words with the weather shown in the pictures.
      • Cloudy
      • Rainy
      • Sunny
      • Windy

      Time to watch

      Watch the video that your teacher will show you on how people are responding to various weather conditions.

      Pair work

      Share with your friend how the people in the video have responded to various weather conditions.

      Learning point

      Sometimes, there is lightening when it rains.
      ​We should not shelter under trees when it is raining.
      ​In some places when it rains, stagnant water fills the ground.
      ​We should not walk in stagnant water.

      Recording weather

      Activity 3

      1. Look at the table below.
      Weather record
      1. On Friday morning, the weather was.
      2. On Wednesday afternoon, the weather was.
      3. On Tuesday morning, the weather was.
      4. How was the weather on Thursday? It wasand.
      5. The weather wasandon Monday.
      1. Observe the weather conditions at different times of the day. Record your observation using different weather symbols.

      Time to draw

      Draw and colour any weather symbol that you know.

      Learning point

      Weather conditions are different.
      ​Sometimes it can be rainy, windy, sunny, cloudy or calm.
      ​We can weather conditions at different times of the day.
      ​We record weather conditions on a weather chart.
      ​We use different symbols to record different weather conditions.

      My weather chart






      Fun point

      Recite the poem below.

      I make the land wet,
      ​I come with thunder,
      ​I come with lightening,
      ​My name is rain.

      I make the ground dry,
      ​I allow children to play,
      ​I dry the crops for harvest,
      ​My name is sun.

      I blow away dust,
      ​I make the trees sway,
      ​I make the leaves whistle,
      ​My name is wind.

      Communicating weather messages

      Activity 4

      What is the weather condition today?
      Use the symbols given in the table below to answer​ the question above.

      Pair work

      Nemayian and her friends recorded the weather conditions in her school in the table below.

      With your classmate, prepare a similar table and hang it in the learning corner of your class. Ensure you record the weather conditions on a daily basis from Monday to Friday.

      Learning point

      We use symbols to communicate weather messages.

      The symbol we use to represent a sunny day.

      The symbol we use to represent a cloudy day.

      The symbol we use to represent a calm day.

      The symbol we use to represent a rainy day.

      The symbol we use to represent a windy day.

      Fun point

      Sing the song below.

      When there is rain, we use an umbrella,
      ​When there is sun, we sit under the shade,
      ​When there is wind, we run to the house,
      ​When there are clouds, we wear our sweaters,
      ​When we do that, we remain healthy.

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