Chapter 3.7 (Biology S3)

Sexual reproduction in animals

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Chapter topics:

  1. Sexual reproduction in animals
  2. Sexual reproduction in animals
  3. External fertilisation in Amphibians
  4. Internal fertilisation in mammals
  5. The structure of the urinogenital system
  6. The human reproductive system
  7. The female reproductive system
  8. Functions of parts of the female reproductive system
  9. The male reproductive system
  10. Functions of parts of the male reproductive system
  11. Fertilisation, implantation, and the role of the placenta
  12. The role of the placenta
  13. Gestation period
  14. Abortion, miscarriage, and premature birth
  15. Role of hormones in reproduction in humans
  16. Development of secondary sexual characteristics
  17. The menstrual cycle
  18. Role of hormones in the menstrual cycle
  19. Sexually transmitted infections (STI’s)
  20. Gonorrhoea
  21. Herpes simplex
  22. Syphilis
  23. Trichomoniasis
  24. Hepatitis
  25. Candidiasis (Thrush)
  26. HIV and AIDS
  27. Use of condoms
  28. VCT (voluntary counselling and testing)
  29. Summary of advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction

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