Chapter 7.5 (Demo)

Word search, crossword, extras

Word search

Leia täherägastikust sõnad: päev, nädal, kuu, aasta, kalender, jaanuar, märts, aprill, mai, juuni, juuli, august, september, november, detsember.

Järelejäänud tähtedest saad kokku lugeda 4 aastaaega.


Kuidas nimetatakse orienteerumisrajal kohta, mis on fotol?

Lahenduseks saad teada, kuidas neid kõiki võib nimetada.


1. In the costal waters of Atlantic ocean no tsunamis form. 
  • true
  • false

2. When a tsunami hits cost, its speed grows and the wave length  increases.
  • true
  • false

3. When approaching the cost a tsunami looks like a regular wave only much higher. 
  • true
  • false

Which other forces of nature can cause a tsunami in addition to underwater earthquake? 
Here is a map of Australia. Mark the costs most vulnerable to tsunamis.

  • Their bodies are mostly streamlined.
  • They are covered with smooth scales and slime.
  • They have fins to move.
  • They have a side line with which they feel the movement of water.
  • Their eyes are on the sides of their heads.
  • They have gills for breathing that are covered by end caps.
  • They have a swim bladder.
Note, what is asked
NB! In this task it is asked for fish adaptations, not fish characteristics.
Adaptations to life in water
Fish do have eyes on the sides of their heads, but it is not an adaption to life in water. It is rather their characteristic.
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