Word search
Leia täherägastikust sõnad: päev, nädal, kuu, aasta, kalender, jaanuar, märts, aprill, mai, juuni, juuli, august, september, november, detsember.
Järelejäänud tähtedest saad kokku lugeda 4 aastaaega.
Kuidas nimetatakse orienteerumisrajal kohta, mis on fotol?
Lahenduseks saad teada, kuidas neid kõiki võib nimetada.
1. In the costal waters of Atlantic ocean no tsunamis form.
- true
- false
2. When a tsunami hits cost, its speed grows and the wave length increases.
- true
- false
3. When approaching the cost a tsunami looks like a regular wave only much higher.
- true
- false
Which other forces of nature can cause a tsunami in addition to underwater earthquake?
Here is a map of Australia. Mark the costs most vulnerable to tsunamis.
- Their bodies are mostly streamlined.
- They are covered with smooth scales and slime.
- They have fins to move.
- They have a side line with which they feel the movement of water.
- Their eyes are on the sides of their heads.
- They have gills for breathing that are covered by end caps.
- They have a swim bladder.