Lucy Muiru, Florence Ateka, Duke Makori, Zacharia NdinguriExercises kit’s authors
Lucy Muiru, Florence Ateka, Duke Makori, Zacharia NdinguriPublisher
Included in packages

The study kit contains 27 chapters and 75 exercises of which 43 are in the chapters and 32 in the task exercises.
Lucy Muiru, Florence Ateka, Duke Makori, Zacharia Ndinguri -
Exercises kit’s authors
Lucy Muiru, Florence Ateka, Duke Makori, Zacharia Ndinguri -
Christian religious education -
Grade 2 -
Kit's language
English -
Longhorn Publishers -
Included in packages
Longhorn CRE Activities Grade 2 Learner's Book, is the second competence-based book to be developed. This book categorically follows the New Competence-based Curriculum.
This book actively engages the learner in class, in the school, at home, at church and elsewhere in the society. The learner freely and easily interacts with the book.
This book comprehensively covers all strands and sub-strands highlighted in the Grade 2 syllabus. It also has some unique features such as:
• Individual, pair and group learning activities in all strands.
• Songs, poems and Bible quotes that enable the learner to easily understand the sub-strands being taught.
• Pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner.
• Full-colour illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing.
• Summary notes to various concepts in the different strands.
• Summarised content at the end of each strand, titled What I have learnt' and What I will do'.
Accompanying this Activity Book, is a comprehensive Teacher's Guide with competency-based Teaching Guidelines and assessment techniques.
Other books in this series include:
• Longhorn CRE Activities Grade 1
• Longhorn CRE Activities Grade 3
1. Creation
Lead |
Chapter |
1.1. |
Free chapter! |
1.2. | My Family |
1.3. | Creation of the sky, sun, moon and stars |
2. The Holy Bible
Lead |
Chapter |
2.1. | The Holy Bible as a guide in daily lives |
2.2. | Divisions of the Bible |
2.3. | The Bible Story |
2.4. | Noah and the Ark |
2.5. | Daniel is rescued from the den of lions |
2.6. | The Widow of Zarephath |
3. The early life of Jesus Christ
Lead |
Chapter |
3.1. | Kindness of the Wise Men |
3.2. | Jesus Christ as a Gift from God |
3.3. | Jesus Christ worked |
3.4. | Jesus Calms the Storm |
3.5. | Trusting in God |
3.6. | Miraculous catch of Fish |
3.7. | Healing of the man with a withered hand |
3.8. | Easter |
3.9. | Jesus is raised from the dead |
4. Christian values
Lead |
Chapter |
4.1. | Sharing |
4.2. | Obedience |
4.3. | Honesty |
4.4. | Thankfulness |
4.5. | Forgiveness |
4.6. | Responsibility |
5. The Church
Lead |
Chapter |
5.1. | The Lord’s Prayer |
5.2. | A friend at midnight |
5.3. | The Holy Spirit |