Chapter 1.1 (CRE 8)

Origin and consequences of sin

Let us remember

In the previous grades, we learnt about creation. From the two creation accounts, we learnt that God created man (Adam) and woman (Eve) in His image and likeness. He placed them in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and guard it. God also gave Adam and Eve specific instructions on what to do. Which instructions did God give them? In this grade, we shall learn about what happened when Adam and Eve failed to follow God’s instructions.

The origin of sin from the creation accounts

Activity 1: Discussing

Work in pairs.

  1. Share experiences of when you did something unacceptable.
  2. Discuss what influenced you to do the unacceptable thing.
  3. What were the consequences of your action?

Activity 2: Brainstorming

Work in groups.

  1. Discuss the meaning of ‘sin’ according to the Bible.
  2. Write your points in your exercise books and present them to the class.

Activity 3: Reading the Bible and writing

Work in groups.

  1. Read Genesis 3:1–13 in turns.
  2. Discuss the origin of sin according to the Bible verses above.
  3. Write short notes on the origin of sin in your exercise books.
  4. What lessons do you learn from this story?

Read what Lilian and Andati said on the meaning of sin after their group discussion.


Sin is rebellion against the law of God.

Sin is disobedience to God. It is also a deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God.


Take note

God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and guard it. He gave them the freedom to eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and bad. God warned them that if they ate the forbidden fruit, they would die the same day.

The snake being a cunning animal, cheated Eve that if she ate the fruit, she would not die, but be like God. Eve was convinced by the snake. She ate the fruit and gave some to Adam who also ate. After eating the fruit, Adam and Eve were given understanding. They realised that they were naked.

Sin originated from the disobedience of Adam and Eve. They disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, thus, rebelling against Him. Adam and Eve fell into sin because of the following reasons:

  1. They fell into the temptation of Satan who appeared to Eve in form of a snake.
  2. They desired to be like God.
  3. They disobeyed God’s instructions and rebelled against Him.
  4. They were greedy and selfish.
Eve giving Adam the forbidden fruit

Consequences of sin after the fall of man

Activity 4: Discussing and writing

Work in groups.

  1. Use digital devices or relevant books to find the meaning of the word ‘consequence’.
  2. Discuss the various meanings that you come across.
  3. Write down the most appropriate meaning in your exercise books and present it to the class.

Activity 5: Reading the Bible and discussing

Work in pairs.

  1. Read in turns Genesis 3:14–19, 23, 4:6–12 and 11:1–9.
  2. Discuss the consequences of sin from the Bible readings.
  3. Write your points on charts or any other available materials.
  4. Present your points to the class and display your chart in the classroom.

Activity 6: Interpreting pictures and discussing

  1. Discuss what is happening in each picture.
  2. What punishment did God pronounce in each case?






Take note

The word consequence refers to the result or effect of an action or a situation. From the Bible readings, the following are the consequences of sin:

  1. From Genesis 3:14–19, 23, we learn that:
    1. The snake was cursed and given a punishment to crawl on its belly and eat dust.
    2. Enmity developed between the snake and the woman and their offsprings. The offspring of the woman would crush the snake's head. The snake would bite the heel of the woman's offspring.
    3. The woman would experience trouble in pregnancy and increased pain while giving birth. She would also be subject to her husband.
    4. The ground was cursed and it started producing weeds and thorns.
    5. The man had to toil in order to produce enough food from the ground.
    6. In verse 23, Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden.
  2. From Genesis 4:6–12 we learn more consequences of sin which are:
    1. Human beings became prone to sin; for example, Cain was angry and jealous of his brother Abel because he offered an acceptable sacrifice to God.
    2. Human beings started killing one another; for example, due to uncontrolled jealous and anger, Cain killed Abel.
    3. Because of shedding innocent blood, Cain’s work on the soil would be unfruitful.
    4. Cain was cursed by God and he became a homeless wanderer.
  3. In Genesis 11:1–9 we learn that people who spoke one language came together to build a city with a tower that reached the sky so as to make a name for themselves. They also did not want to be scattered all over the earth. The consequences of this sin were:
    1. The people were scattered all over the earth and they were no longer united.
    2. God mixed their languages so that they would not understand one another. This brought confusion amongst them.
    3. God stopped them from building the city using bricks in Babylon with a tower reaching the sky.
  4. What other consequences of sin do you identify from the Bible verses?

Causes of sin today

Activity 7: Discussing and writing

Work in pairs.

  1. Discuss the sins young people are likely to commit.
  2. Write your points on flashcards.
  3. Present your points to the class and display the flashcards in the classroom.

Linda and Ogutu discussed and presented the sins that young people are likely to commit. They include the following:







Drug abuse





Sexual sins

Identify more sins that young people are likely to commit.

Take note

Young people commit different kinds of sins. Some sins are committed deliberately while others are committed out of ignorance. It is important that young people avoid committing sins. Sins have negative consequences on those who commit them and other people in the society.

Activity 8: Discussing and writing

Work in groups.

  1. Discuss the causes of sin among the young people today.
  2. Write your points on charts and present them to the class.
  3. Display the charts in the classroom.

Mbayuwayu Group in Grade Eight Orange made the following presentation on causes of sin among young people. Read it and make notes.

Sin usually results from giving in to evil desires. It is the result of the fall of man when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit. The following are some of the causes of sin among young people today:

  1. Failure to keep God’s commandments and the teachings of the Bible.
  2. Lack of faith in God.
  3. Failure to pray to God when tempted.
  4. Failure to apply the teachings of the Bible in their day to day life.
  5. Negative influence from friends and peers.
  6. Careless living and lack of control.
  7. Negative influence from social media, radio and television.
  8. Lack of respect for oneself and others people.
  9. Low self esteem.
  10. Greed for money and power.
  11. Imitating negative role models

What are the other causes of sin among the youth?

Moral values and life skills needed to overcome temptations

Activity 9: Searching the internet or library resources

Work in pairs.

  1. Use a dictionary or search the internet to look for the meaning of:
    1. Moral values
    2. Life skills
    3. Temptations
  2. Write the meaning of the terms on a chart or any other available materials and give examples.
  3. Present your points to the class and display your chart in the classroom.

During their library research, one of the groups in Grade Eight East wrote the following notes in their exercise books.

Moral values are guidelines that help people to decide between what is right and wrong. They guide the conduct of people in a society. Examples of moral values are honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility and integrity.

Life skills are abilities for positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with challenges and demands of life. They help a person to go through life with ease and to lead a more fulfilled life. Examples include self‑awareness, assertiveness, effective communication, self‑esteem and decision making.

Temptations are the desires to do something that is wrong or unwise. Examples include: lying, stealing, gluttony, abusing alcohol and engaging in premarital sex.

Compare their explanations with what you found out in Activity 9.

Activity 10: Conducting a buzz session and writing

Work in pairs.

  1. Conduct a buzz session on how to overcome sin, temptations or tempting situations.
  2. Write your points in your exercise books and present them to the class.

Take note

It is important to overcome temptations so that we do not ruin our lives. Overcoming temptations shows that we obey God’s commands and we live meaningful lives.

Grade Eight learners compiled the following points on how to overcome sin and temptations:

  1. Turn to God in repentance and faith when you fall into temptation.
  2. Pray to God for strength when you face temptations.
  3. Avoid people and situations that are likely to lead you into temptations.
  4. Choose friends that will influence you positively.
  5. Avoid friends who are likely to lead you astray.
  6. Develop self‑confidence so that you are able to say NO to tempting situations.
  7. Share with a trusted friend or relatives when tempted.
  8. Meditate and obey God’s word.

How else do you overcome temptations as a youth?

Activity 11: Brainstorming and writing

Work in groups.

  1. Discuss:
    1. Moral values needed to overcome temptations.
    2. Life skills needed to overcome temptations.
  2. Write your points on charts or any other available materials and present them to the class.
  3. Display the charts in the classroom.

Take note

  1. Moral values needed to overcome temptations and sin include:
    1. Honesty: By telling the truth, young people are able to resist negative influence from peers.
    2. Respect: When young people respect themselves and others, they refuse to engage in actions that are not acceptable.
    3. Responsibility: Young people who are accountable for all their actions avoid temptations at all costs.
    4. Love: When young people love themselves and others they avoid temptations and sin.
    5. Integrity: When young people have strong moral principles, they are able to avoid sin and tempting situations.
    6. Empathy: It helps young people to identify with the feelings and emotions of others, therefore, avoiding putting them into temptations.
      ​What other values are needed to overcome temptations?
  2. Life skills needed to overcome temptations include:
    1. Critical thinking: It helps young people to examine and analyse information before taking action. Therefore, they choose to do the right things.
    2. Decision making: This skill helps young people to make the right decisions and avoid wrong ones.
    3. Creative thinking: This skill helps young people to devise new ways to carry out tasks and solve problems.
    4. Selfawareness: It helps a person to recognise and understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, strengths and weaknesses so as to be able to avoid tempting situations.

Other skills needed to overcome temptations are provided in the following table. Explain how each one can help the youth to overcome temptations. An example has been done for you.

Life skill

How it helps to overcome temptations


This is the ability to state our stand on a matter without wavering. This skill can help one to say NO to temptations and tempting situations without feeling guilty about it.

Creative thinking

Effective communication


Take note

Moral values and life skills are important as they help us to go through life successfully. They help to promote the well‑being of a person and in building good character.

Praying to God to overcome temptations in day-to-day life

Activity 12: Discussing and writing

Work in pairs.

  1. Discuss the meaning of prayer.
  2. Explain how praying to God helps people overcome temptations.
  3. Write your answers in your exercise books and present them to the class.

Activity 13: Reading the Bible and meditating on it

  1. Read 1 John 1:9 and explain what you learn from the Bible text.
  2. Write the verse on flashcards and meditate on it.
  3. Present your points to the class.

Take note

Prayer is communication with God. It is also a sincere request to God for help. We talk to God in prayer the way we talk to our friends. During prayer, we tell God everything including the temptations we face. Through prayer, God gives us strength to overcome temptations.

1 John 1:9 teaches us that we should confess our sins. If we do this, God will forgive our sins and purify us from our wrongdoing.

Memory verse: 1 John 1:9: But if we confess our sins to God, He will keep His promise and do what is right: He will forgive us our sins and purify us from all wrongdoing.

Activity 14: Writing a prayer journal and reflecting

  1. Reflect on the temptations you desire to overcome.
  2. Write a prayer to God for grace to overcome the temptations.



Prayer made

  1. Reflect on your experiences after you pray.


Think about this

Pesa, your classmate, comes to school with a lot of pocket money which he uses to buy anything he wants. He informs you that he took the money from his mother’s handbag. He further advises you to be taking money from your parents so that you can afford to buy anything you want. What advice will you give your friend?

Extended activity

Work as a class. With the guidance of your teacher:

  1. Prepare a talk on causes of sin among young people today.
  2. Design a poster for use during the presentation.
  3. Present the talk during the school assembly.
  4. Write a report on your experiences.
  5. Display the poster on the school noticeboard.

Lessons learnt

  1. Sin was brought about by the disobedience of Adam and Eve to God.
  2. God punishes people who commit sin.
  3. Moral values and life skills help us to overcome temptations.
  4. When we confess our sins to God, He forgives us.

What will I do?

  1. I will obey God’s commands so that I do not commit sin.
  2. I will confess my sins to God and ask Him to forgive me.
  3. I will encourage my friends to avoid committing sin.
  4. I will avoid situations that lead to temptations.


How I rate myself

Identifying the origin of sin from the creation accounts.

  • I can do this very well.
  • I can do this well.
  • I need assistance.

Examining the consequences of sin after the fall of man.

  • I can do this very well.
  • I can do this well.
  • I need assistance.

Analysing the causes of sin today.

  • I can do this very well.
  • I can do this well.
  • I need assistance.

Discussing moral values and life skills needed to overcome temptations today.

  • I can do this very well.
  • I can do this well.
  • I need assistance.


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