Jane Ntaari, Philomena Mwaura, Shiphrah Gichaga, Caroline NyakundiExercises kit’s authors
Jane Ntaari, Philomena Mwaura, Shiphrah Gichaga, Caroline NyakundiPublisher
Included in packages

The study kit contains 18 chapters and 167 exercises of which 152 are in the chapters and 15 in the task exercises.
Jane Ntaari, Philomena Mwaura, Shiphrah Gichaga, Caroline Nyakundi -
Exercises kit’s authors
Jane Ntaari, Philomena Mwaura, Shiphrah Gichaga, Caroline Nyakundi -
Christian religious education -
Grade 8 -
Kit's language
English -
Kenya Literature Bureau -
Included in packages
Christian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in the society. KLB TopScholar Christian Religious Education Grade 8 Learner’s Book has, therefore, been developed to comprehensively meet the requirements of the Grade Eight CRE Competency Based Curriculum. The following are the key features of this book:
• It has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner’s interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education.
• Some of the methods used include: Narration, inquiry, discovery, use of resource persons, role plays, debating, demonstration and research.
• The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content.
• It has used language that is at the level of the learner with familiar situations created to help learners understand more difficult concepts.
• Gender equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase association of certain tasks with a specific gender.
• The principle of inclusivity has been used by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of the society.
• Active learning activities like discussing, singing, reading the Bible, debates, working in groups and making class presentations are integrated within the lessons to make learning interesting and participatory.
1. Creation
Lead |
Chapter |
1.1. |
Origin and consequences of sin
Free chapter! |
1.2. | God’s plan for redemption |
2. The Bible
Lead |
Chapter |
2.1. | Faith and God’s promises |
2.2. | Abrahamic covenant |
2.3. | Leadership in Israel: Saul |
3. Miracles of Jesus Christ
Lead |
Chapter |
3.1. | Healing of Blind Bartimaeus |
3.2. | Calming of the storm |
3.3. | Healing of the paralytic |
4. Teachings of Jesus Christ
Lead |
Chapter |
4.1. | Teaching on prayer |
4.2. | The lost sheep |
5. The Church
Lead |
Chapter |
5.1. | The Holy Spirit |
5.2. | Acts of compassion |
6. Christian Living
Lead |
Chapter |
6.1. | Family relationships |
6.2. | Human sexuality: Responsible sexual behaviour |
6.3. | Sacredness of life |
6.4. | Bullying |
6.5. | Work: Talents and abilities |
6.6. | Leisure |