Ulumul Qur’an
Ulum means Science. Ulumul Qur’an is the science of the Qur’an. It is the study of the Qur’an. In this Grade, we shall learn the science of revelation of the Qur’an.
Activity 1: Working in groups
Discuss the following questions and make summary notes.
- Find out from Islamic books or the internet the meaning of Wahyi.
- Identify various prophets who received wahyi from Allah (S.W.T.).
- Name revealed scriptures in their correct order and messengers who received them.
Reasons for Revelation of the Qur’an
Activity 2: Working as a class
Read the verse below and identify the common message preached by all prophets.
“And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) all false deities”. Then of them were some whom Allah (S.W.T.) guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied (the truth).” [Qur’an 16:36]
Activity 3: Reading Time
Grade Seven learners of Hidaya Junior School researched on reasons for revelation of the Qur’an. They found out that before the Qur’an, Allah (S.W.T.) had guided mankind using Suhuf, Taurat, Zabur and Injil respectively.
These scriptures were divinely revealed by Allah (S.W.T.) to various prophets to guide their people. As time went by, most of these scriptures got corrupted. Most people also turned away from their teachings. They involved themselves in vices and forgot about Allah (S.W.T.). Therefore, Allah (S.W.T.) revealed the Qur’an as a book of guidance to all mankind.

Activity 4: Working in groups
The chart below shows some reasons for revelation of the Qur’an.
Study it then with guidance from your teacher, design your own charts showing reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an and display in class.
Reasons for revelation of Qur’an
- To guide mankind to the correct path.
- To teach mankind how to worship Allah (S.W.T.).
- To teach mankind ilm al Ghaib (Hidden Knowledge).
- To preserve the message revealed in earlier scriptures.
- To correct the wrong message since the earlier scriptures had been distorted.
- To fulfill Allah (S.W.T.)’s promise to earlier prophets.
- To lead mankind out of shirk.
- To remind mankind about the Day of Judgement.
- To narrate stories and events of earlier generation to offer lessons to shape community.
Activity 5: Working in pairs
The following verses show how the Qur’an guides mankind on various issues. Read and discuss with your classmates.
Make short notes on how the Qur’an guides mankind.
Aspect | Verse |
Prayer | 4:103 |
Morals | 2:83 |
Worship | 51:56 |