Chapter 1.1 (CRE 7)

Importance of studying Christian Religious Education

Let us remember

You have been learning Christian Religious Education since Pre‑primary School. What is the meaning of Christian Religious Education? How have you benefitted by learning the subject?

Meaning of Christian Religious Education

Activity 1: Discussing and writing

In groups:

  1. Discuss the meaning of Christian Religious Education.
  2. Write your points on charts.
  3. Present your points to the class.
  4. Display the charts in the classroom.

Activity 2: Interpreting pictures and answering questions

  1. What is the boy and girl doing?
  • Learning the meaning of Christian Religious Education.
  • Solving crossword puzzles.
  • Playing computer games.
  • Watching videos.
  • Learning the meaning of Christian Religious Education.
  • Solving crossword puzzles.
  • Playing computer games.
  • Watching videos.
  1. Which sources are they using to learn the meaning of Christian Religious Education?
  • Book
  • Computer
  • Teacher
  • Phone
  • Map
  • Tablet
  1. Using one of the sources, search for the meaning of Christian Religious Education.
  2. Present your notes to the class.

Take note

Christian Religious Education is one of the subjects learnt in the Junior Secondary School curriculum. It deals with how God reveals Himself to human beings and how human beings should respond to God’s revelation. It also deals with how human beings should relate with God and fellow human beings.

Personal experiences

Jesus Christ

God reveals Himself to us through:

The Holy Bible

His creation

The Holy Spirit

Importance of learning Christian Religious Education

Activity 3: Discussing and writing

In pairs:

  1. Discuss the importance of learning Christian Religious Education as a subject.
  2. Discuss the relevance of learning Christian Religious Education at Junior Secondary School.
  3. Write your points on charts.
  4. Present your points to the class.
  5. Display the charts in the classroom.

Activity 4: Reading and writing

Grade Seven learners of Maarifa Junior Secondary School discussed the importance of learning Christian Religious Education and came up with the following points:

  1. Christian Religious Education helps one to develop a sense of self‑respect and respect for others.
  2. It helps one to acquire Christian values and positive attitudes, which help them to relate well with one another.
  3. Christian Religious Education promotes cultural integration which makes learners from different communities to live harmoniously.
  4. It helps one to appreciate one’s religion as well as other religions.
  5. It prepares one for further studies and career development. The subject helps learners grow morally and spiritually. It also helps us to grow in our relationships with God and fellow human beings. Christian Religious Education is taught in schools for spiritual and moral development.

Copy these points in your exercise book and add more.

Activity 5: Preparing a personal journal

  1. With the guidance of your teacher, prepare a one week personal journal on how learning Christian Religious Education has helped you change your behaviour. Use the example given below.


How learning Christian Religious Education changed my behaviour








  1. What lessons do you learn from what you have recorded in your personal journal?
  2. Present your answers in class.

Take note

Learning Christian Religious Education helps learners to change their behaviour in the following ways:

  1. Supporting one another during happy and difficult times.
  2. Living peacefully and harmoniously.
  3. Appreciating each other regardless of their religion, race, gender or ethnicity.
  4. Helping one another in the development of good character.
  5. Encouraging one another to grow spiritually and morally.

Promoting sound moral and religious values through Christian Religious Education

Activity 6: Discussing and writing

Grade 7 learners at Hope Junior Secondary School identified the following as values acquired through learning Christian Religious Education:

In groups:

  1. Discuss how these values are acquired in the learning of Christian Religious Education.
  2. How can we apply the values in our day to day lives?
  3. Write the answers in your exercise books and present them to the class.

Activity 7: Making flashcards

In groups:

  1. Prepare flashcards and write messages that promote sound moral and religious values.
  2. Present the messages to the class.
  3. Display the flashcards in the classroom.

Safety rules

  1. Be careful while using scissors, razor blades and other sharp objects to cut charts and flashcards so as not to hurt yourself or others.
  2. Ensure all group members participate at a time.
  3. Clean your hands with soap and clean water after carrying out the activity.

Applying values acquired in Christian Religious Education in interaction with others

Activity 8: Carrying out a library search

In pairs:

  1. Carry out a library search on values acquired in learning Christian Religious Education.
  2. List values needed to live harmoniously with others.
  3. Discuss situations in which the values identified can be applied.
  4. Write your answers in your exercise books.
  5. Present the answers in class.

Take note

Values that learners need to live harmoniously with one another both at school and at home include:

  1. Honesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Generosity
  4. Respect
  5. Responsibility

Activity 9: Composing a poem

In pairs:

Compose a poem on how Christian Religious Education promotes sound moral and religious values:

  1. Note down the points to base your poem on.
  2. Use the points to compose a poem.
  3. Ensure that your poem has a rhythm.
  4. Write the poem on a chart and memorise it.
  5. Practise reciting the poem and recite it to the class.
  6. Display the chart in the classroom.

Activity 10: Discussing and writing

In groups:

  1. Discuss how learning of Christian Religious Education can help you live responsibly.
  2. Write your points in your exercise books.
  3. Present them in class.


Think about this

Your friend tells you that he or she does not want to learn Christian Religious Education because it is not important. What would you tell him or her?

School activity

With the guidance of your teacher:

  1. Prepare a talk on how Christian Religious Education helps a person in their day‑to‑day life.
  2. Present the talk during a school assembly.
  3. Write a report on your experiences.

Lessons learnt

  1. Christian Religious Education is a subject that deals with God and how He reveals Himself to human beings.
  2. Christian Religious Education is significant in enhancing harmonious living among people of different cultures and religions.
  3. Learning Christian Religious Education helps us to relate well with one another.
  4. Learning Christian Religious Education is important in an individual’s moral and spiritual development.

What will I do?

  1. I will encourage other learners to study Christian Religious Education.
  2. I will live harmoniously with all people in the society.
  3. I will share lessons learnt from Christian Religious Education with my family members.
  4. I will appreciate Christianity as my religion and respect other religions.
1 shows you have excellently understood the concept, 2 shows you have understood the concept, 3 shows you have understood the concept to some extent and 4 shows you need guidance. Mark the appropriate number.

My name: 
My friend’s name: 



Explaining the meaning of Christian Religious Education.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Analysing the importance of learning Christian Religious Education.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4


Test yourself A

  • It deals with how God reveals Himself to human beings and how human beings should respond to God’s revelation. It also deals with how human beings should relate with God and fellow human beings.
  • Focusing solely on memorization of religious texts without understanding their context or relevance.
  • The study of other religions and their contribution to a broader understanding of spirituality and culture.
      • Christian Religious Education helps us develop a sense of self-worth and identity.
      • Studying Christian Religious Education helps us to develop bias towards other religions.
      • Studying Christian Religious Education helps us to appreciate our religion and other religions.
      • Study of Christian Religious Education instills fear in us.
      • It helps one to develop a sense of self‑respect and respect for others.
      • It helps one to acquire Christian values and positive attitudes, which help them to relate well with one another.
      • It promotes cultural integration which makes learners from different communities to live harmoniously.
      • It helps one to appreciate one’s religion as well as other religions.
      • It prepares one for further studies and career development.
      • It also helps us to grow in our relationships with God and fellow human beings.
      • It causes conflict with students' personal or family beliefs, leading to arguments and disagreements.
      • It limits students' ability to critically examine and challenge religious beliefs, which limits their intellectual development.


      How it is acquired

      Test yourself B

      Serena is a twelve‑year‑old girl. She does not go to school because her parents’ religion forbids their members from attending school and even going to hospital when they are sick. How would you intervene to help Serena?

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