Chapter 1.1 (CRE 6)

My purpose

Let us remember

  1. What is the meaning of purpose?
  2. What is God’s purpose for your life?

How God given talents and abilities can be used to enhance responsibility

Activity 1: Discussion

In pairs:

  1. Discuss what talents and abilities are.
  2. Explain how you use your talents and abilities in a responsible way.
  3. Present your points to the class.
  1. Talents are special gifts that God has given us.
  2. Abilities are the skills that enable us to do something well.
  3. To be responsible is doing your duties as expected.

Activity 2: Interpreting pictures and answering questions

  1. What talent does Nancy have? (Image A)
  • She is a wonderful singer.
  • She is a great athlete.
  • She can play guitar.
  • She can debate thoroughly.
  1. How is she using her talent responsibly?
  • She is performing in church.
  • She is competing.
  1. What talent does Kemboi have? (Image B)
  • He can jump rope.
  • He can play football.
  • He is swimming.
  • He can play basketball.
  1. How is Kemboi using his talent in a responsible way?
  • He is playing football with friends.
  • He is swimming very fast.
  1. In what ways do you use your talents in a responsible way?
A. Nancy using her talent
B. Kemboi using his talent

The teachings of the Bible on the use of talents and abilities

Activity 3: Reading the Bible and answering questions

In groups:

  1. Read Exodus 31:3 and Romans 12:4.
  2. What do you learn from the two verses?
  3. Write your answers on a chart and present them to the class.

Activity 4: Reading and filling in blanks

  1. Grade Six learners wrote the teachings of the Bible on the use of talents on a chart. Read what they wrote.
    1. God gave Bezalel skills and ability to produce artistic work.
    2. God has given different people different talents and abilities to do His work.
  2. Copy the points in your exercise book and add more points.

Activity 5: Interpreting a picture and answering questions

  1. What talents and abilities are the learners in the first image using?
    • Picture A
    • Picture B
  2. How can the talents be used to benefit other people?
  3. How do you use your talents to benefit other people?
  4. Write your points on a chart and present them to the class.
  5. Display your chart at the Christian Religious Education section in the classroom.

Values young people can use to nurture talents and abilities

Activity 6: Discussion

In pairs:

  1. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of:
    1. Values
    2. Nurture
  2. Present your points to the class.
  1. Values are principles or standards of behaviour.
  2. To nurture is the process of caring for and protecting someone or something.

Activity 7: Discussion

In groups:

  1. Discuss the meaning of values.
  2. What does it mean to nurture talents?
  3. Identify values you can use to nurture talents and abilities. 
  4. State how you use the values identified in serving people.
  5. Present your points to the class.

Activity 8: Interpreting a picture and answering questions

  1. What is James doing?
  • He is entertaining his parents.
  • He is preparing a meal for his parents.
  • He is dancing for his parents.
  • He is chatting with his parents.
  1. What is Lucy doing?
  • She is dancing for her parents.
  • She is cooking a meal.
  • She is serving her parents a meal.
  • She is not entertaining her parents.

3. Which values does James and Lucy show? 

4. What values do their parents have? 

Activity 9: Role Playing

In groups:

  1. Identify talents and abilities to be role played.
  2. Identify different learners to perform different roles.
  3. Rehearse the role play.
  4. Perform the role play.
  5. The learners not taking part in the role play to observe and make a report using digital devices.
  6. Some learners to take pictures or record a video of the role play using digital devices.

Activity 10: Composing a Poem

In groups:

  1. Compose a poem with the heading, “My Talent” stating how you nurture your talent.
  2. Read it to your class.
  3. Put it in your portfolio.


Think about this

Imagine that you are the greatest dancer in Kenya. How will you use this talent in a responsible way to serve your community?

School Activity

With the help of the Bible club patron:

  1. Discuss how learners can use their talents to serve the school.
  2. Give a talk on talents and abilities.
  3. Make a report on your experiences.
  4. Present your report to the class.

Community Service Learning Activity

With the help of your parent or guardian:

  1. Identify your talent, for example, gardening or playing music instruments.
  2. Start a community project in which you use this talent.
  3. Identify what you need for the project.
  4. Work on your project with relevant members of the community.
  5. Write a report on the project and present it to the class.
  6. Put your report in your portfolio.

What I have learnt

  1. A talent is a special gift given by God.
  2. God gives different people different talents and abilities.
  3. Talents should be used responsibly to serve others.

What I will do

  1. I will thank God for the talents He has given me.
  2. I will use my talents to serve others.
  3. I will promote values of love and responsibility as I use my talents.

A shows you have understood the concept, B shows you have understood the concept to some extent and C shows you need guidance. Mark where appropriate.






Identifying how God given talents and abilities can be used to enhance responsibility.

Explaining teaching of the Bible on the use of talents and abilities.

Identifying values young people can use to nurture talents and abilities.


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