Exploring unfavourable weather conditions

Pair work
- Tell each other if you have ever experienced any of these weather conditions.
- Exchange experiences on unfavourable weather conditions.
Time to draw
Draw and colour a tree that has been uprooted by wind.
Group work
- In groups of three, discuss the experiences on unfavourable weather conditions that you have ever had.
- One member of the group to present your findings to the class.
Learning point
Weather that is good for our daily activities is said to be favourable.
When the weather is not good for our daily activities we say that it is unfavourable.
Fun point
Recite the poem below.
Floods, floods, floods,
You cover the land with waters,
You destroy houses,
You cause diseases like cholera,
You cause death of animals and people,
Floods, you are a destroyer.

Drought, drought, drought,
You make the land dry,
You cause crops to dry up,
You cause death of plants and animals,
You cause population decrease,
Drought, you are a destroyer.

Unfavourable weather conditions
Ask your parents or guardians to help you do this work.
Check the unfavourable weather conditions that you have ever experienced in your area.
- drought
- none
- flood
- storm
Look at the following pictures.

- What problems do people living in the areas shown in the pictures face?
- What could have caused the problems?
Fun point
Recite the following poem.
When the sun is too hot,
I remove my sweater to reduce heat,
I swim to cool off my body,
I put on light clothes to reduce sweating,
I stay in the house to avoid sunburns,
I sit in a shade to avoid direct heat.
When it rains,
I put on heavy clothes to keep warm,
I stay in the house to be safe,
I wear boots to avoid mud,
I stay away from flooded areas,
I cover myself with an umbrella to avoid getting wet.