Study kit (CRE 6)

Christian Religious Education Grade 6

Lucy Muiru, Josphat Karanja, Stella M. Malonza
Exercises kit’s authors
Lucy Muiru, Josphat Karanja, Stella M. Malonza
Longhorn Publishers
  • The study kit contains 86 chapters and 74 exercises of which 41 are in the chapters and 33 in the task exercises.
  • Authors
    Lucy Muiru, Josphat Karanja, Stella M. Malonza
  • Exercises kit’s authors
    Lucy Muiru, Josphat Karanja, Stella M. Malonza
  • Subject
    Christian religious education
  • Grade
    Grade 6
  • Kit's language
  • Publisher
    Longhorn Publishers
  • Included in packages

1. Creation

1.1. My purpose
Free chapter!
1.2. The teaching of the Bible on the use of talents and abilities
1.3. Values learners can use to nurture talents and abilities
1.4. Summary and Assessment 1.1
1.5. Marriage and family
1.6. Types of marriages in the society
1.7. Reasons for discouraging early marriages in the society
1.8. Summary and Assessment 1.2
1.9. God’s rest
1.10. The teaching of the Bible on the use of leisure time
1.11. Values which help Christians to use leisure time properly
1.12. Inappropriate ways of using leisure time in society
1.13. Summary and Assessment 1.3

2. The Bible

2.1. The Bible as the inspired word of God
2.2. The authors who were inspired to write the Old and the New testaments
2.3. Reasons that led to translation of the Bible into local languages
2.4. Advantages of translating the Bible into various local languages
2.5. Summary and Assessment 2.1
2.6. The Ten Commandments
2.7. Values and skills in the Ten Commandments that enhance Christian living
2.8. Lessons which Christians learn from the Ten Commandments
2.9. Summary and Assessment 2.2
2.10. Bible stories
2.11. How Christians depend on God’s power to overcome challenges
2.12. Faith in God
2.13. How Christians apply their faith in God in day to day living
2.14. Determination
2.15. Values learnt from the story of Jacob wrestling with God
2.16. Summary and Assessment 2.3

3. The Life of Jesus Christ

3.1. The call of the disciples
3.2. How different people are called to serve God in the society
3.3. Summary and Assessment 3.1
3.4. The Temptations of Jesus Christ
3.5. Temptations that Christians face in their daily lives
3.6. Summary and Assessment 3.2
3.7. Miracles of Jesus Christ
3.8. Lessons learnt from the healing of the Roman officer’s servant by Jesus Christ
3.9. Faith in God
3.10. Ways in which the church and government are helping the sick in the society
3.11. Lessons learnt from the miracle of the healing of the bleeding woman
3.12. Jesus Christ’s power over death
3.13. Lessons Christians learn from the miracle of the raising of Lazarus by Jesus Christ
3.14. Summary and Assessment 3.3
3.15. The kingdom of God
3.16. Teachings from the parable of the hidden treasure
3.17. Summary and Assessment 3.4
3.18. Attitude towards wealth
3.19. Lessons learnt from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
3.20. Summary and Assessment 3.5

4. The Church

4.1. The Apostles’ Creed
4.2. Teachings outlined in the Apostles’ Creed
4.3. The Importance of the Apostles’ Creed to Christians
4.4. The three persons in the holy trinity
4.5. Summary and Assessment 4.1
4.6. Christian suffering
4.7. The values learnt from the teachings of Paul on Christian suffering
4.8. Summary and Assessment
4.9. Church unity
4.10. The teachings of the Bible on Christian unity
4.11. Ways in which church unity fosters peaceful coexistence
4.12. Summary and Assessment 4.3
4.13. Good citizenship
4.14. The Bible teaching on good citizenship
4.15. How Christians can live godly lives on earth
4.16. Summary and Assessment 4.4
4.17. Interpersonal relationships among Christians
4.18. Peter’s teaching on the relationship among Christians
4.19. Moral values that can promote good interpersonal relationships among Christians
4.20. Summary and Assessment 4.5

5. Christian Living

5.1. Friendship formation
5.2. The teachings of Jesus on friendship
5.3. Summary and Assessment 5.1
5.4. Human sexuality
5.5. The teachings of the Bible on responsible and irresponsible sexual behaviour
5.6. Causes of irresponsible sexual behaviour among the youth
5.7. Skills required to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour
5.8. Summary and Assessment 5.2
5.9. Sanctity of life
5.10. Effects of violation of the right to life for a human being
5.11. Christian teachings on the abuse of the right to life
5.12. Virtues that young people can practise to maintain sanctity of life
5.13. Summary and Assessment 5.3
5.14. Drugs and substance use
5.15. Strategies used by Christians to prevent drugs and substance use
5.16. Measures taken by government agencies to fight drug trafficking and use
5.17. Summary and Assessment 5.4
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