Study kit (Geography F 1)

Geography Form 1

Fred Omwoyo, Phyllis Akivaga
Exercises kit’s authors
Fred Omwoyo, Phyllis Akivaga
Longhorn Publishers
  • The study kit contains 70 chapters and 29 exercises of which 16 are in the chapters and 13 in the task exercises.
  • Authors
    Fred Omwoyo, Phyllis Akivaga
  • Exercises kit’s authors
    Fred Omwoyo, Phyllis Akivaga
  • Subject
  • Grade
    Form 1
  • Kit's language
  • Publisher
    Longhorn Publishers
  • Included in packages

1. Introduction to Geography

1.1. Introduction to Geography
Free chapter!
1.2. Branches of Geography
1.3. Importance of studying Geography
1.4. Relationship between Geography and other disciplines
1.5. Work to do

2. The Earth and the Solar System

2.1. The Earth and the Solar System
2.2. The planets
2.3. Other celestial bodies
2.4. The origin of the Earth
2.5. The shape and size of the Earth
2.6. Position of the Earth in the Solar System
2.7. Movement of the earth
2.8. Latitudes and Longitudes
2.9. Structure of the earth
2.10. Work to do

3. Weather

3.1. Weather
3.2. Atmospheric pressure
3.3. Winds
3.4. Humidity
3.5. Precipitation
3.6. Cloud cover
3.7. Sunshine
3.8. Weather Station
3.9. Measuring elements of weather
3.10. Calculating and recording weather conditions
3.11. Structure and composition of the atmosphere
3.12. Factors influencing weather
3.13. Weather Forecasting
3.14. Fieldwork
3.15. Work to do

4. Statistical methods

4.1. Statistical methods
4.2. Methods of collecting data
4.3. Methods of recording data
4.4. Methods of statistical data analysing
4.5. Statistical presentation of data
4.6. Work to do

5. Maps and Mapwork

5.1. Maps and Mapwork
5.2. Types of maps
5.3. Map scales
5.4. Estimation and measurement of distances on maps
5.5. Calculating areas on maps
5.6. Work to do

6. Fieldwork

6.1. Fieldwork
6.2. Fieldwork procedure
6.3. Preparation for fieldwork
6.4. Problems encountered during fieldwork
6.5. Sample studies
6.6. Work to do

7. Minerals and Rocks

7.1. Minerals and Rocks
7.2. Rocks
7.3. Sedimentary rocks
7.4. Metamorphic rocks
7.5. Classification of rocks by age
7.6. Distribution of major types of rocks in Kenya
7.7. The significance of rocks
7.8. Work to do

8. Mining

8.1. Mining
8.2. Factors determining occurrence of minerals
8.3. Factors influencing exploitation of minerals
8.4. Methods of mining
8.5. Distribution of major minerals in East Africa
8.6. Significances minerals in Kenya
8.7. Problems facing the mining industry in Kenya
8.8. Effects of mining on the environment
8.9. Case studies
8.10. Gold mining in South Africa
8.11. Diamond mining in South Africa
8.12. Petroleum Mining in the Middle East
8.13. Contribution of oil to the economies of Middle East countries
8.14. Work to do
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